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128 - Slippery Crossings 3129 - The Slobbish Mole130 - The Strange Painting

The Slobbish Mole (The Messy Mole in the UK version) is a puzzle in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.


US Version

On the edge of a forest lives a particularly messy mole. His burrow is so clogged with trash that eventually he has to tidy up. However, being lazy, he decides to clean his place while doing the least work possible.

In order to pick up all the trash in his burrow without passing through any one tunnel twice, which of the holes, A through G, should the mole start cleaning from? While moving through any tunnel twice is forbidden, he can pass through any junction between tunnels as often as he wants.

UK Version

On the edge of a forest lives a particularly messy mole. His burrow is so clogged with rubbish that he finally has to tidy up. However, being lazy, he decides to clean his place while doing the least amount of work possible.
In order to pick up all the rubbish in his burrow without passing through any one tunnel twice, from which of the holes A to G should the mole start cleaning? While moving through any tunnel twice is forbidden, he can pass through any junction between tunnels as often as he wants.


Click a Tab to reveal the Hint.

US Version

Use the Memo function to trace out potential courses the mole could follow.

UK Version

Use the Memo Function to trace potential courses the mole could follow.

US Version

Do you see the little T intersection just above hole F? That's where the mole will end up when he's picked up the very last piece of trash. Find a course that lets him conclude his cleaning at that location.

UK Version

Do you see the three-way junction just above hole F? That's where the mole will end up when he's picked up the very last piece of rubbish. Find a course that lets him conclude his cleaning at that location.

Search for a hole that leads to an odd number of separate routes.



Too bad!

If you start from that hole, the mole has to go through at least one tunnel two or more times.

And he really doesn't feel like doing that.


Good job!

US Version

Our friend the lazy mole should start his cleaning from hole C. Starting his cleanup effort from any other hole will cause him to run through at least one tunnel twice before the job is finished.

UK Version

Our friend the lazy mole should start his cleaning from hole C. Starting his clean-up effort from any other hole will cause him to go through at least one tunnel twice before the job is finished.
